To install an ALICE V2 node, what operating system do I need?

The installation process is currently tested on Linux. Installing a node on other operating systems may be possible but not officially supported yet.

Can I install an ALICE node on my laptop/PC?

No. It is not possible because a node run on a laptop/PC are likely to have much more downtime than one run on a server.

Is it beneficial to run more than one node on ALICE?

Although It is technically possible to run numerous nodes on ALICE, it is NOT beneficial and NOT recommended. No matter how many nodes you run on ALICE, you will not be able to run more than one node in the Canary Network. That is because in the Canary network, a mechanism will be applied to verify the uniqueness of each node's operator.

Do I also need to run a Shield Server after joining ALICE?

No. Joining ALICE has nothing to do with a Shield Server. A Shield Server is a complementary security measure run by dApps. To get more information about the Shield Server, see here.

How long do I need to operate my ALICE node to be eligible for the node-drop on Pioneer?

The date of node-drop distribution and the Pioneer launch have yet to be announced. There are five conditions for the ALICE node operators to get the full reward:

How can I back up my node?

Refer to this section in the GitBook.

How can I transfer my node to a different server?

To do so, one should first back up the node. The backed-up config file should then be transferred to a new server and restore the node.

Where can I find the <server-ip> to check if the node has successfully been added?

<server-ip> is actually the public IP of the server that you have used to connect to your server and installed the node on. It is shown in the details of your server's dashboard or in the email you received from the server provider.

What is the difference between the node’s address and the staking address?

The node address is the address that your node uses to sign requests with. It is automatically generated by the node and its private key is held in the config file of the node.

The staking address, on the other hand, is the address of the owner of the node which is used to stake tokens when adding the node to the network. It is generated by the owner's wallet (for example MetaMask), and its private key is held inside the wallet.

No. The node running rewards shown in the dashboard are just test tokens and have nothing to do with the node-drop incentive; that is, they carry no real value but help developers make sure the system is operating accordingly.

I encounter this error: 'compose' is not a docker command. How can I resolve it?

This shows your docker is old. To solve this, you need to follow the instruction in install docker engine to install the latest version based on your server's operating system.

How can I remove the node?

NB: Make sure to backup your node before removing it if you are about to transfer it to a different server or install the latest version.

The following commands can be used to remove the Muon node's docker containers and images:

docker stop muon-node redis mongo 
docker rm muon-node redis mongo 
docker image prune

If you installed the node by cloning the muon-node-js repository, you can also remove the folder by:

rm muon-node-js -rf

How do I transfer my backup.json file to my server when I wan to restore my node?

To do so, follow these steps:

  • Use a nano backup.json command to create a file named backup.json on your server. This opens the file in the server terminal.

  • Copy and paste the backup content that you saved when you backed up your node into the file.

  • Save and close it by pressing ctrl + x and then press y to confirm saving the changes.

NB: Getting errors like "command not found" when entering nano backup.env means that you do not have the nano installed. You can install nano on:

  • Ubuntu/Debian using: sudo apt-get -y install nano

  • RedHat/CentOS/Fedora: using: sudo yum install nano

I have migrated to ALICE V2 but I don't understand how the rewards for running an ALICE node are calculated?

To get the full node-drop (Minimum amount of bonded PION to run a node), there are five conditions

  • Proof of uniqueness verification

  • Joining the network before February 27th, 5 p.m. CET

  • Having a valid IP address for the period between February 28th until April 28th

  • Running the node for at least 60 days after February 27th

  • Having 90% uptime since joining

This is how the rewards will be calculated:

First, the number of days on which each verified node has been up 90% of the time is calculated, that is , days on which the node has been up for more than twenty-one and a half hours.

After the 60th day of 90% uptime, the node operator starts to get 20% more reward for each 30 days, which is also calculated on a daily basis: one thirtieth of the 20% for each day.

So the reward plan, in short, is as follows:

  • The reward for running a node before Feb 27th: 20% of the node-drop (Minimum amount of locked PION for running a tier 1 node)

  • The reward for running a node for 60 days with 90% daily uptime after Feb 27th (until the launch of Pioneer): 80% of the node-drop

  • The reward for running a node after 60 days with 90% daily uptime (until the launch of Pioneer): 20% more for each month (calculated per day)

To get detailed information about the Node-drop, see FAQ: ALICE Rewards.

I reinstalled my node on ALICE V2, but my uptime on the dashboard is 0%.

This shows your uptime on the new network and does not include your uptime on the old ALICE network. However, you can see the rewards for running your node in the Bonded ALICE Power box, that is a reflection of your uptime on the old ALICE network.

Do I still get more rewards for running a node on ALICE V2?

The node-drop plan continues up until the launch of Pion. After joining ALICE V2, you can see your rewards from the old ALICE network in the Bonded ALICE Power box, and the rewards for V2 in the Reward box.

When I run curl http://localhost:8011/status , I see this error message curl (7) failed connect to localhost:8011 connection refused. What should I do?

Try opening port 9011 and 8011 on your server firewall by running the following commands (one by one):

sudo ufw reset
sudo ufw allow 8011/tcp
sudo ufw allow 9011/tcp

Now run the curl http://localhost:8011/status again and the problem is solved. However, if you still see the error message, contact our support team on Discord/Telegram.

What is the Minimum $ALICE for a Tier 1 node?

It is 10,000 $ALICE. So if your node-drop is less than that or if you want to run a new node, refer to the dashboard and click on "Get Started with a New bonALICE" or use the BUY link at the top to purchase the amount you need.

How can I withdraw my rewards and upgrade my node to a higher Tier?

Upgrading and withdrawing are not activated yet, but will soon be. Check our socials for updates.

What if I don’t install an Alice v2 node, do I still get my rewards?

This is not recommended at all. If you don't join ALICE V2, you will only be eligible for what you earned with your Alice node, that is, you will miss the further 20% monthly bonus. And you miss the chance of gaining practical experience of using the token (staking, creating NFTs, claiming and withdrawing rewards, etc).

Do I have to backup my node again? Can't I use my old ALICE backup file?

You are now running a new node on an upgraded network with new configurations. The old back file does not refer to this node. So do back your node as soon as you have joined ALICE V2.

I ran a node on the original ALICE, but didn't go through uniqueness verification. Now on ALICE V2, I can't claim my rewards and see an error message. How can I claim my node-drop?

If you haven't passed your uniqueness on ALICE, you cannot join the network by claiming the node-drop. To install a node on ALICE V2, you need to use the "Buy ALICE" button (top of V2 dashboard) to purchase ALICE using tBNB. Then use the "Get started with a new bonALICE" to add your node to the network. (ALICE is just a valueless test token and you just need to have some tBNB.)

Important: The last date for going through uniqueness verification is September 15. Only people who have passed UV up until that date will be eligible for the node-drop. This means if you have run an ALICE node and have all the requirements except uniqueness, you will not be eligible for the node-drop.

Last updated