Guidelines to set up & run nodes on the Testnet

Here are the requirements and step-by-step guidelines for joining ALICE V2.

  • A Linux server with 4 GB of RAM, dual-core CPU, 20GB of storage space

NB1: Running a node on a PC/laptop - that is without a valid public IP - is not possible.

NB2: The following installation process is currently tested on Linux. Installing a node on a server with other operating systems may be possible but not officially supported yet.

How to Join Alice V2

ALICE, Muon’s Testnet, ran successfully for seven month (January 19 to August 21, 2023). On August 21, 2023, it was updated to ALICE V2. ALICE node operators as well as Muon pre-salers need to join V2 using the following procedure. There are two stages:

1) Running the Node

  • Before installing a Muon node, one needs to install Docker. To do so, you can use Install Docker Engine, where you should first choose your server's operating system, and then follow the installation instructions.

  • If you already have an ALICE node and are migrating to ALICE V2, first stop and remove your old node by running the following commands on your server (one by one):

docker stop muon-node mongo redis
docker rm muon-node mongo redis
  • The first step is to get the Muon docker-compose.yml . To do so, run the following command on your server:

curl -o docker-compose.yml
  • And then you call pull images using this command:

docker compose pull
  • Now the node can be run using the following command.

docker compose up -d
  • Wait for a minute and then run the next command and see the result.

curl http://localhost:8011/status

The result should look like this and means your node is running properly. (It is not added to the network yet.)


You need this address and peerID later when you add the node to the network.

But if you see the message curl (7) failed connect to localhost:8011 connection refused , refer to this FAQ.

2) Obtaining bonded ALICE NFT & Adding the Node

Those who wish to run nodes on ALICE V2 need to have bonded ALICE; that is, ALICE node operators and Muon pre-salers can claim it as reward (the node-drop). Others should buy ALICE and create the bonded ALICE using it.

NB. Remember that this is the Testnet, and the token has no tradable value. This process will only give users experience for running a node on Pion.

To claim your Bonded ALICE (the node-drop), follow these steps.

  • On the next page, ALICE node operators and Muon pre-sale participants claim Bonded ALICE (their node-drop reward) by clicking on the “Claim Your Node-Drop" Button.

NB: Others wishing to run new nodes should buy the test ALICE token by clicking on "Get Started with a new bonALICE" and following through the steps. ‏They should use the "Buy" link at the top.

  • Having clicked on "Claim Your Node-Drop", a pop-up window appears asking you to connect your wallet.

  • You are then forwarded to a new pop-up where you should choose your wallet. Click on the right wallet and confirm the message you receive on it to connect it to V2 dashboard.

  • After you have connected your wallet, you are forwarded to a new page with two boxes. In the top one, you can see a check mark next to the category of the node-drop you belong to. Click on “Verify”.

NB: Alice node operators who ran a second node with a new staker address after they lost the first and pre-salers who used more than one wallet to participate in the presale should connect using all the addresses so that they will gain the cumulative rewards for all participations. When you connect your other wallet, its info appears in the top box. Each new address should be verified on the dashboard.

  • In the bottom box, you can see data about your bonded ALICE including the amount of your node-drop and your node tier. Click on claim and sign the message on your wallet.

NB: Displaying no info in this box means you have no rewards on the current wallet address. You need to switch to a different address.

  • Having signed the message, a pop window appears warning you that if you press "Confirm", you will not be able to change your staking address. Click "Confirm" and sign the message on your wallet interface as well.

  • Then you are forwarded to the next page. Press the “Select” button and a pop-up window opens.

  • In the pop-up, click on your bonALICE.

  • Now you can see the details of your Bonded ALICE in the left box. The amount shown here should be staked to add your node to the network. In the right box, enter your server IP and press the “Approve” button to approve staking your Bonded ALICE.

  • Having confirmed the message on your wallet, the "Add Node" button appears. Click on it.

  • You will now see a success message for a few seconds at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.

  • Wait for about five minutes while your V2 node's dashboard is getting prepared.

  • Finally you are forwarded to the ALICE V2 dashboard.

  • Now that you have successfully joined ALICE V2, go on to verification center to verify your uniqueness.

NB: When adding the node, if you see the error message "Status not accessible", your node is not correctly added.

In this case use the following address in your browser and see the result. If you still can't access your node, contact our support team on Discord or Telegram.


NB1: Make sure you back up your node. In case something happens to your server, you can use the backup to restore your node.

NB2: Register your node with the ALICE V2 bot on Discord so you will be notified when the node is down.

Last updated