
When you visit the explorer’s homepage, you can see a search field, a line graph showing fluctuations for the requests sent to ALICE, and the number of apps, nodes and requests.

By default, the graph displays daily information, but you can also choose 7-day, 14-day and 21-day periods. Providing the right information in the search field, you can look for and see the details of a certain node, app or request.

If you scroll down, you will see two boxes showing you general information on “Most Used Apps” and “Latest Requests”. In the left-hand box, you can see the apps deployed on ALICE, the method each one has used the most, and number of the requests that have been confirmed on the app.

In the right-hand side box you can see the ID for latest requests, their apps and methods and confirmation times.

Now if you scroll down more, there are two other boxes: Most Active Nodes and Nodes Status. In the first one, information about the 10 most active nodes is listed. In the second, the statistics regarding active nodes are given. It is worth mentioning that right now the number of active and inactive nodes may not look that important, but when Pioneer launches, this info will definitely make more sense.

Last updated